
How to obtain CafeMol

The CafeMol is available to anyone “as is” in the form of source codes. For obtaining CafeMol, please read the following license agreement.

CafeMol license agreement:

CafeMol is the non-commercial software that the user can use, modify, and improve the CafeMol source code at ones own expense. The source code of CafeMol is available for the internal use only at this moment: The user shall not distribute or transfer CafeMol, and any modifications, improvements, or derivatives to CafeMol that the user may create.

CafeMol is a research tool still in the development stage, that is being supplied “AS IS” without any accompanying services or improvements from developers and the program is distributed to enable users to utilize CafeMol in their researches. Developers accept no obligation to provide maintenance nor does it guarantee expected functionality of CafeMol or of any part of CafeMol.

Any published work which utilizes CafeMol should include the citation “CafeMol: A coarse-grained biomolecular simulator for simulating proteins at work. H. Kenzaki, N. Koga, N. Hori, R. Kanada, W. Li, K. Okazaki, XQ. Yao, and S. Takada Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation (2011) 7(6) pp1979-1989 DOI:10.1021/ct2001045”.

If you accept the license agreement, cilck a link below.